Learning Styles Quiz: Which are you? (Auditory, Visual, Tactile)
A super simple method to help you identify the learning styles of your adult participants. For their benefit as well as yours.
This handout is not designed to explain the differences between learning styles. It’s just a short & sweet 10-question quiz and can be used as a fun classroom exercise. Take it one step further and after quizzes are completed, provide a brief lecture/discussion on Learning Styles 101. Your adult students will really appreciate the information!
The Learning Styles Quiz
1. You’re in class for an important lecture and presentation. Do you:
a. listen to what the lecturer is saying.
b. focus on the words written on the slides.
c. take good notes.
2. When making long road trips as a passenger, which of these are you most likely to bring along with you?
a. An audio book or something to listen to.
b. A book to read.
c. A sketchbook to write or draw in.
3. Which of these is most likely to wake you up quickly in the middle of the night?
a. A noise or disturbance in the room.
b. A light shining on your face.
c. Someone shaking you gently.
4. You are waiting at the doctor’s office for your appointment. Which of these do you do to pass the time?
a. Engage in small talk with the person sitting next to you.
b. Browse through a few magazines or picture/art books.
c. Write a grocery or to-do list.
5. You have to conduct a presentation on the new company email system. To prepare for the presentation you would most like to:
a. Ask someone to explain to you how the email system works.
b. Download the printed tutorial and review it.
c. Visit with an email systems engineer to walk you through the steps he or she takes to put a system together.
6. If you were a counselor at a summer camp for kids, which of these activities would you prefer to do with them?
a. Singing songs.
b. Writing songs.
c. Playing the guitar.
7. You just found out some very good news. What do you do?
a. Call a friend and share the news with them immediately.
b. Write a note to your very best friend telling him/her the news.
c. Find someone to hug.
8. You need to go to the grocery store to buy one or two items. What do you do to remember them?
a. Repeat their names a few time until you remember.
b. Close your eyes and visualize them.
c. Write down the items on a piece of paper, even if you don’t take the paper with you. As long as you write it down once, you’ll probably remember.
9. When finding directions to a location you are unfamiliar with, what works best for you?
a. Asking for directions.
b. Looking up the location on a map.
c. Wing it. You’re sure you will find it if you just get in the car and drive.
10. Think of a cause you are passionate about, like PETA. How do you show your suport?
a. Go and speak to audiences about the problem.
b. Make a poster or create a presentation about the cause.
c. Volunteer to work with kids or people affected by the problem.
If you scored more a’s, then you are an auditory learner.
If you scored more b’s, then you are a visual learner.
If you scored more c’s, then you are a tactile learner.
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