The purpose of any discipline policy should never be to punish. When used appropriately, discipline is an important tool that allows the employee the opportunity to correct behavior and to enforce the prescribed guidelines in fairness to all employees.
Progressive discipline is a series of steps that is designed to address and correct performance or behavior that falls short of standards. Let my cartoon pack help you communicate your message on this critical training topic!Take a look below at everything that's included in my Discipline Cartoon Pack and click the image for a closer view:
Here are more tips to include in your employee discipline training:
Remember, the main goal of discipline should be to help the employee improve his performance, not punish. With that said, let’s take a look at some tips for managers at any stage in the discipline process:
- Never let your emotions decide who and what will be subject to discipline.
- Hold employees accountable to standards of conduct in a consistent manner.
- Establish a clear, written, and detailed code of conduct.
- Search out underlying reasons for bad behavior.
- Never make it personal.
- Keep to the facts but let the employee know you care about helping him.
- Describe behaviors rather than judge the person.
- Understand some people might not realize there is a problem or it’s likely they would change on their own.
- Don’t use labels. Offer up measurable goals. You can’t just tell someone to clean up their bad attitude. You must instead offer up that hanging up on callers is not allowed and not to do it again.
- It’s always best to nip problems in the bud. Don’t look the other way hoping the problem resolves itself. It won’t.
- Maintain your objectivity. You shouldn’t agree that one employee is a problem when another complains about him. You still need to investigate and gather evidence before you can make a judgment
- Maintain confidentiality whenever possible. Conduct all interviews in private.
- Be mindful of the needs of all employees within the company to feel safe, valued and appreciated. When you allow one employee to run amok it brings down the morale of everyone.
- Set the standard with your own behavior. People will rise up or fall down to whatever standards you as a manager set. All of the written policies in the world won’t matter if you don’t set an example as a hard working professional!
Discipline should not be about punishment. When handled correctly, it is an effective tool to alert an employee about a problem, to contribute to understanding the problem, to correct violations and to improve performance. Consistent documentation of each step will provide the employee with several opportunities to get it right. As a manager, it’s your job to see to it they are productive, contributing well-adjusted members of the company.
The issue of discipline can be a sensitive one. If you are planning to conduct training on this topic, my employee discipline training cartoons will really help you to convey your message and make it memorable! For this pack and more, visit my website at